Flash 2 – 2025

Budget Law 2025 – 2 of 2

2 foto andrea cherchi43

L. 207/2024

In Ordinary Supplement No. 43 to Official Gazette No. 305 of 31/12/2024, Law No. 207 (Budget Law 2025) was published, effective 1/1/2025.

Below are the main novelties of interest to employers.

Social security relief “south”

A new social security contribution relief is introduced for private employers who employ permanent workers in the regions of Abruzzo, Molise, Campania, Basilicata, Sicily, Apulia, Calabria and Sardinia.
The relief consists in a partial exemption from the payment of employers’ social security contributions (excluding INAIL premiums).
The amount is degressive for each year until 2029.

New Birth Bonus

A one-off bonus of €1,000 is provided for children born or adopted from 1.1.2025.
The bonus is disbursed, upon application, by INPS. It will be paid in the month following the month of birth or adoption.
The applicant parent’s household must have an ISEE not exceeding €40,000 per year.

New eligibility requirement for NASpI

A new contribution requirement is introduced for NASpI (unemployment subsidy) entitlement, with reference to unemployment events occurring from 01/01/2025.
For workers who, in the 12 months prior to the unemployment event that entitles them to receive the NASpI, have voluntarily resigned from an open-ended employment relationship, it will only be possible to access the benefit if they have accrued at least 13 weeks of contributions with the new job

De-taxation of performance bonuses

For productivity bonuses paid in 2025, 2026 and 2027, the IRPEF substitute tax rate, including regional and municipal surcharges, remains confirmed at 5%.

Variable bonuses linked to increases in productivity, profitability, quality, efficiency and innovation, which are measurable and verifiable, provided for by collective agreements (territorial or corporate) signed with the trade unions and filed with the Ministry of Labour, benefit from the subsidised scheme.

The limits for tax-deductible bonuses (EUR 3,000 per year) and employment income (EUR 80,000 in the previous year) remain unchanged.

New rules for company car fringe benefits

From 2025 the rules for calculating the fringe benefit on company vehicles will change.
For newly registered vehicles assigned with contracts from 1 January 2025, the fringe benefit will be equivalent to 50% of the cost for a conventional annual mileage of 15,000 km (according to ACI tables), net of any deductions to the employee.

The percentage is reduced to 10% for battery electric vehicles and 20% for plug-in hybrids.

For vehicles registered and assigned before 2024, the old rules apply.

A regulatory uncertainty remains for vehicles registered before 2025 but allocated under subsequent contracts, for which clarification is awaited from the Inland Revenue Agency.

Limits of fringe benefits Article 51 paragraph 3 TUIR

For the years 2025-2027, goods, services and reimbursements for household utilities, rent or interest on a mortgage for the main home do not count towards income, up to the limit of EUR 1,000 (EUR 2,000 with dependent children). The limit includes:

  • all assets/reimbursements received by the employee also from other employers;
  • the conventional value of the car in mixed use, but not the meal vouchers;
  • the possibility of individual assignment with differences between employees.

Exceeding the limit makes the entire amount taxable for tax and contribution purposes.

Photo Credits: Andrea Cherchi
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