Flash 7 – 2025

Annual Financial Statements

7 foto andrea cherchi48

YEAR 2025

The following table summarises the various stages involved in the preparation of the annual financial statements, the bodies responsible for compliance and the deadlines for approval of the annual financial statements.

Deadline table

Preparation of the draft financial statements and management report (when mandatory)Board of Directors or Sole DirectorAt least 30 days before the day fixed for
the quota/shareholders’ meeting
Receipt of the draft financial statements and management reportBoard of StatutoryBoard of auditors
Statutory auditor, if different from the board of auditors
At least 30 days before the day fixed for
the quota/shareholders’ meeting
Report on the Financial StatementsBoard of auditors
Statutory auditor, if different from the board of auditors
At least 15 days before the day fixed for
the quota/shareholders’ meeting
Filing at the company’s registered office of the financial statements with the following annexes:
– directors’ report on operations
– report of the board of statutory auditors
– report of the statutory auditor (if any).
Various subjectsAt least 15 days before the day fixed for
the quota/shareholders’ meeting
Receipt of the call for the approval of the annual accounts by publication in the Official Gazette of the notice of convocation or in a daily newspaperQuota/shareholders meetingAt least 15 days before the day fixed for
the quota/shareholders’ meeting
Approval of the Financial StatementsQuota/shareholders meetingWithin 120 days of the end of the financial year (within 180 days in the case of a derogation)
Registration of the minutes of approval of the financial statements if they contain the resolution to distribute profits with the Revenue OfficeBoard of directors
Sole director
Within 30 days from the date of the minutes of the quota/shareholders’ meeting
Filing of financial statements and annexes with the Company RegistryBoard of directors
Sole director
Within 30 days from the date of the minutes of the quota/shareholders’ meeting 
Recording and signing the balance sheet in the inventory bookBoard of directors
Sole director
Within three months from the date of filing of the tax return

Photo Credits: Andrea Cherchi
For more information contact
tax@dgtax.itwww.dgtax.it – +39 02 433 551
2025 – STUDIO DEGIORGI e ASSOCIATI – All rights reserved